California Law Isn’t Unfair to Sex Offenders, AG Says

A new California law that imposes harsh penalties on human trafficking is not unconstitutional toward sex offenders, the state attorney general told a federal judge. Californians Against Sexual Exploitation Act, or CASE, enacted by voters on Nov. 6, will require sex offenders to give police a complete list of their user names, screen names, email addresses and Internet service providers.

Noting that sex offenders will be reluctant to participate in Internet forums if their identities will not remain anonymous, the American Civil Liberties Union and Electronic Frontier Foundation say the relevant provision is overbroad and unfairly burdensome, and that it curtails free speech. Full Article – for Plaintiff  – for Defendant


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This is taken directly from the text:

As applicable here, the law “simply requires a convicted offender to provide, and to update at specified intervals, information logically calculated to assist law enforcement authorities to monitor his or her whereabouts”

Since our whereabouts are being monitored we are effectively on probation. So even though I was innocent, my “lawyer” made a plea bargain that I agreed to and that was for me to be under probation for 4 years. That was 15 years ago, I did the probation as agreed and yet, they are not holding up their agreement.

I think it is time to sue them and put an end to this bullshit!

The question is going to become after a while not are you in compliance but how much out of compliance are you? It’s getting so being in compliance will become humanly impossible. This is designed I believe as a way to make the registrant hide in obscurity and fear.

Lets assume for a minute that registrants do provide the information to the police. If everyone is like me, I have a bank, 3 email, yelp, ebay, amazon, etc accounts/names. I probably have a total of 10. If the 78000 registrants turn in 10 each, that is 780,000 names, many of which are totally inactive, but always changing. Where will they be kept? How will they be managed? If they are to be used to track registrants, who will do that, where will they do that, and when? How much will it cost? This is another example of a ‘feel good law” that does no good, and will end up being a violation of civil rights, and overturned, wasting the money it cost to enact it and to overturn it. AND there is NO evidence it will stop any offenses. If an offender is serious about using the internet for illegal and immoral purposes, he or she will find a way to circumvent this process.

I would question the legality of them monitoring my online access without a court granted order to do so. So even if I give law enforcement my screen names and IP addresses, they have no rights to monitor or check this information as there is nothing in this law granting law enforcement additional powers that bypasses the courts clearly defined role in the granting of search warrants.

If they have no rights constitutionally, we need to fight it in the courts. Period.

I agree with your contention, Skeletonlander, however it takes lots of money to fight anything in court. We must have more of the 100,000 plus registrants and their (uncounted) families, friends, etc. “Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!” Plus “pay up!” I know that finances are difficult for many, but if we each donate just a few dollars to the cause we can make more changes. Janice Belluci, and several others who donate their time and efforts, are a Godsend to our cause but we can’t just sit and wait for others to fix these broken attitudes and laws! Each of us can contribute something. Come to the CARSOL meetings, come to the City Council meetings and speak, write letters to the legislators, and, by all means, contribute money (as you can)to keep this ball rolling!

As Janice can attest, I am on of those that “pays up”. I fully support this organizations goals emotionally and financially.

I also understand (amd share) the emotions in Tired go Hiding’s comments. It is very frustrating to be a third class citizen with many rights stripped away for laws made in the name of a child!

But that is what in the end is great about America. We make horrible mistakes and then learn from them (remember slavery and child labor to name just two).

The place to win back our rights rests in the hands of judges who weigh the rights of the many against the constitutional rights of the few. I am confident in the end we will prevail.

Free Americans labeled sex offenders cannot be put back in conditions of parole/probation…further proof of punishment that violates civil rights …grossly un-constitutional…
that lame Jessica law was ruled ex post facto that could not apply to free Americans …the same
has to apply here….also violates 1, 4, 5, 8, 14 of constitution…thank you.

Sex Offender Registry Laws Constitute A Hate Crime..
Here’s why:
(And why can’t the perpetrators be prosecuted?)

In crime and law, hate crimes (also known as bias-motivated crimes) occur when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her perceived membership in a certain social group. Examples of such groups include -but are not limited to-: racial group, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or gender identity. Sex Offender Registries generate a Social Group because the registrant is not on probation or parole and is a fully enfranchised citizen.

A hate crime is a category used to describe bias-motivated violence: “assault, injury, and murder on the basis of certain personal characteristics: different appearance, different color, different nationality, different language, different religion.” The State enfranchises “assault” under the color of authority when it imposes felonious consequences on otherwise unburdened citizens.

“Hate crime” generally refers to criminal acts that are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the types of citizens, =or of their derivatives=. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, =bullying, harassment=, verbal abuse or insults, or offensive graffiti or letters.

A hate crime law is a law intended to prevent bias-motivated violence. Hate crime laws are distinct from laws against hate speech in that hate crime laws enhance the penalties associated with conduct that is already criminal under other laws, while hate speech laws criminalize a category of speech.

So the Prosecutor who bellows “SEX OFFENDER” when one goes to court over a dubious DUI is committing a hate crime.

You see, they need us. Otherwise they’d all be in prison.

Public personnel are under duty and oath to defend
and protect the Constitution for all Californians…
…not for few…not for some…but for All……….
They need not violate that duty and oath….as this can
escalate to violate human rights real quick.